


Starting from January 2018 till date, Dr. Manisha Anwekar writes and publishes ONE BOOK EVERY MONTH!!! It’s so amazing!!! She writes about spirituality in every sphere of life.

Please note that proceeds from sale of all her books go toward her various humanitarian initiatives. Therefore if you are wondering how you can do good karma, here is an opportunity for you. Buy her books! This money will be utilized in her initiatives. Yes, doing good karma is so simple!!!

All her books are available in paperback as well as eBook versions. If you wish to order a paperback, please add INR 100/- towards courier charges. Paperbacks are delivered only in India. To order your book, please write to us at:   or

Thank you.





Published in December 2024

INR: 350/-

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-341-8056-5   Paperback: 978-93-341-7923-1

This book is a collection of stories of my own spirit encounters. I have been encountering various spirits since my early childhood. People consider being a born psychic a gift. Yes, people like me are also called ‘gifted ones.’ But there is another side to being psychic as well.

In this book, I have narrated my intimidating, petrifying, and thrilling spirit encounters. The stories have been reproduced just as they occurred. No drama, no spicing up, and no garnishing. I am sure that as you read them, you will get goosebumps and wonder how I handled them as a child!

If you love to read spooky, eerie, and—pun intended– out-of-this-world anecdotes, this book is definitely for you!



Published in November 2024

INR: 350/-

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-341-7326-0        Paperback: 978-93-341-7085-6

Do you often feel exhausted doing the same thing again and again and still do not get success?

Are you going through a lot of challenges and struggles that do not seem to end?

Do you feel less motivated or give up too soon?

If any of the above questions are troubling you and you wish to succeed in life, this book is the perfect guide for you!

This book is about a Stotram that brings about miraculous changes in one’s life. However, remember that this Stotram is not a quick-fix pill, so do not gulp it down! Trust it, accept it, and absorb it devotedly.

Read, assimilate, and do everything as directed patiently, and you are sure to reap stunning benefits!



Published in October 2024

INR: 350/-

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-341-4630-1        Paperback: 978-93-341-4419-2

Do you ever find yourself wondering about the dark secrets of the rakshasas of bygone eras?

Do you think they still exist?

Meet Tejas, the mysterious being who has seen everything from the past to the present. He will take you through centuries of darkness and tumult as he narrates the stories of various rakshasas. His stories will make you introspect and ask for more!

Join him in his brilliant narration as he takes you on this chilling journey to unravel the intrigues, mysteries and conflicts… Spring into action as he unmasks the rakshasas… Explore the past, understand the present, and make your future secure with Tejas the mysterious!



Published in September 2024

INR: 350/-

ISBN: Digital: 9789334128932       Paperback: 9789334126259

Like every year, this book contains selected essays written by participants in our unique International Essay Writing Competition (IEWC 2024) — INNER REFLECTIONS 7.0.

This book also contains information about the one-of-its-kind concept of this competition. It also serves as a guide for those who wish to participate in our forthcoming INNER REFLECTIONS competition.

The digital version of this book is gifted to all successful participants whose essays appear in it. It is also gifted to all participating schools and their teachers in-charge as a special gesture.

Enjoy these essays written by the brilliant students and acquaint yourself with their thoughts. Please note that the essays are unedited, except for a few typos and basic grammar.



Published in August 2024

INR: 350/-

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-341-0974-0  Paperback: 978-93-341-0748-7

Being related to medical and allied fields in different capacities, I meet or come across many people who are suffering from illnesses that might require an organ transplant.

Many of you might be aware of my humanitarian initiative—AAROH—Asha A Ray Of Hope. Via this initiative, I provide free spiritual counselling sessions to terminally ill patients and their families for their lifetime.

With this book, I am going a step ahead to help people who are preparing for or have undergone an organ transplant. I provide spiritual guidance to transplant patients, especially in the period of isolation when they are not allowed to meet anyone except their medical care team. Please note, I provide patients with free fifteen-minute online sessions to boost their physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. This keeps them positive during that period as well as gives them hope to look forward to a better life.

This book contains everything required to keep such patients healthy and hopeful for a new life after the transplant.


83.  मंथन (Manthan)

Published in July 2024

INR: 350/-

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-340-8712-3       Paperback: 978-93-340-7610-3

मंथन, as the title suggests, is a book that encourages you to introspect at a deeper level and understand everything that is happening within and around you. Akin to the famed churning of the ocean, it will toss up not only how things are taking shape in your life and why, but also what should be done to set everything right.

So churn the ocean of your mind and heart; it will be both arduous and rewarding, for you will find Halahal and Amrit both. Discover your own answers through this book!



Published in June 2024

INR: 350/- Both versions

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-340-8379-8    Paperback: 978-93-3408-171-8

366 Drops of Nectar is a unique book written specifically to inspire you every day and get you thinking. Not only does it have daily drops that will motivate you, but it also contains drops that will encourage you to think deeply and bring them into practice. Relish these drops throughout the year and make your life sweeter!

This book is available in electronic as well as paperback versions. If you wish to add a pop of colour to your life, do go for the electronic version!


81. जीवांश

Published in May 2024

INR: 399/- Both versions

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-3406-469-8   Paperback: 978-93-3405-986-1

Five people visit eight-year-old Jeevansh’s home on his birthday. Instead of letting the kid meet his guests, his father gets them arrested and sends them into police lockup with the help of his DSP friend.

Now isn’t that weird? Why should he do so?

The strangers insist that Jeevansh is a part of their daily life. He meets them regularly. They also feel an uncannily strong bond with him.

What secrets lie behind Jeevansh’s friendship with these strangers?

Surely you are curious to know the answers to these questions racing in your mind, so buy your copy today!

The novel is full of emotions, thrill, love, and suspense. You will love every bit of it as it unfolds.



Published in April 2024

INR: 350/- Both versions

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-3404-973-2      Paperback: 978-93-3404-805-6


HOW TO SLAY YOUR RED CARPET TALK is about delivering an effective and impressive TEDx talk. The book throws light on topics ranging from ‘how to write a basic first draft for your speech’ to ‘how to channel it in an interesting and unique way that touches the hearts of your audience.’ This book demonstrates simple methods to personalize and curate your talks for your target audience.


79. कपाल क्रिया

Published in March 2024

INR: Both Paperback and Digital: 399/-

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-3403-835-4       Paperback: 978-93-3403-371-7

This is the story of several upheavals caused in the after-life of Karan, who dies accidentally. After his death, a tantric—Baba Alaukiknath– holds his soul captive. He uses Karan’s soul to perform grotesque acts of dark magic.

Will Karan’s soul ever be freed from the clutches of Baba Alaukiknath?

Will the tantric ever let go of Karan’s soul?


यह कहानी है करण के आत्मा के साथ हुए अत्याचार की।

करण की आकस्मिक मृत्यु के पश्चात तांत्रिक बाबा अलौकिकनाथ उसकी आत्मा को बंद कर लेता है। उस से तरह-तरह के काम करवाता है।

करण की आत्मा नित्य नए उतार चढ़ावों से गुजरती है।

क्या उसकी आत्मा को कभी मुक्ति मिलेगी? क्या बाबा अलौकिकनाथ उसे कभी छोड़ेगा?




Published in February 2024

Paperback as well as Digital version: INR 350/-

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-3401-698-7   Paperback: 978-93-3401-523-2

Contacting spirits for fun can prove dangerous. There are rules and regulations. There are boundaries. And one must follow them if they wish to tread on the Unseen path.

This book elaborates on what spirit communications are, how and why spirits contact us, how you can establish communication with them— and most importantly– what one should NOT do during spirit communication sessions.




Published in January 2024

Paperback: INR 399/- (Plus INR 100/- toward Courier Charges)

EBook: INR 299/-

ISBN: Digital: 9789361288982                  Paperback: 9789361286452 

The book contains unique formulae to have meaningful and nurturing relationships. These formulae have been presented in the form of different recipes that I help the reader prepare, so they may enjoy enriching relationships. The recipe for every relationship is distinctive. If followed to a T, you will certainly find your relationship soups delicious.

If you wish that your relationships should not be In the Soup, come, prepare these soups with me, and live your life to the fullest!






Published in December 2023

Paperback: INR 350/- (Plus INR 100/- toward Courier Charges)

EBook: INR 299/-

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-6128-059-7      Paperback: 978-93-6076-817-1

This book is for all those who have been diagnosed with dementia, who are caregivers for their close relatives with dementia, and also for those who wish to learn the whats, hows, and whens about dementia. The truth is that dementia might invade every household fairly soon!

Let us come together and weave a nurturing world around us to keep dementia at bay and help those with it lead a better life ahead!



75. MY BACKYARD FRIENDS                 Published in November 2023

Paperback–INR: 450/- (Plus Courier Charges for Paperback)

EBook– INR 399/-

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-6039-689-3    Paperback: 978-93-6039-444-8

Revati, a resolute IAS officer, is on her last posting ever. On this momentous occasion, she yearns to live out the last years of her job in the house that nobody wants– an abandoned, derelict quarter– Bungalow No. 3 in D Block. Her request is denied numerous times, but she refuses to bend.

The strong pull she feels toward this mysterious house, unoccupied for the last three decades, brings her to the threshold of inexplicable occurrences.

What is Revati’s connection to the house? What draws her to it so powerfully? Why is she so insistent on living in the seemingly haunted house?


74. FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE                               Published in October 2023

INR: 399/- (Plus Courier Charges for Paperback)

ISBN: Digital: 9789360131371                    Paperback: 9789360130015

Anurita has focused all her attention on her husband all her life. Following his untimely death, she has created a cocoon around herself and is not ready to move forward. Then, some mysterious instances occur, which challenge her to rethink and take her life to a different pedestal. This book switches between the normal and the paranormal.


73. INNER REFLECTIONS 6.0 Nature Nurture & More 

Published in September 2023

INR: 250/-

ISBN:  Digital: 9789359960876                            Paperback: 9789359807249

Like every year, INNER REFLECTIONS 6.0 contains selected essays written by participants in our unique International Essay Writing Competition (IEWC 2023) — INNER REFLECTIONS 6.0. Insights from the book clearly spell out the need to conduct more such reflective competitions and get people thinking on why value-education should be an integral part of every curriculum. Students and adults have shared beautifully crafted essays showcasing their association with Nature. Yes, I loved many of them.



Published in August 2023

INR: 399/-

ISBN: 9789359676913                                              Paperback: 9789359675756

This book is the story of four girls who join a renowned college in a big city to pursue an undergraduate degree. Their destinies bring them together and they become roommates. Their cultural, financial, and social standings put them at loggerheads.

Read this novel to find out how they live together. Are they able to co-exist peacefully? Will they be able to maintain their self-respect, sanity, and individualism? And ultimately, will they be able to transform their lives to attain self-realization?



Published in July 2023

INR: 299/-

ISBN: Digital: 9789310003734                               Paperback: 9789310001297

This book is a result of my unique way of teaching Yoga to my students and clients, to help them successfully manage their medical as well as other concerns. Please note that Prescription Yoga classes differ greatly from any normal yoga class.

I coined the term and invented “Prescription Yoga” many years ago. That makes it a distinctive method of practicing yoga. All my students and clients have benefitted immensely from it.

If you wish to learn how to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life and bring complete harmony to your life, buy your copy today!


70. ध्यान है तो धन है                                                    Published in June2023

INR: 299/-

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-5915-313-1              Paperback: 978-93-5915-158-8

In this book, I have shared my accidental rendezvous with meditation and how I got into this practice at the tender age of five. Besides, this book is a meditation guide for beginners. It discusses every aspect related to meditation. In addition to many techniques and riSE meditation, there is a dedicated chapter on the nine steps to meditate effectively, which will be helpful to one and all. Many people are unaware of the side effects of meditation. There is information on this as well.

I have also included and elaborated on another side to meditation, which is called Dhyān in Hindi. Know more about this concept and learn how you can earn different kinds of wealth through meditation. If you wish to meditate like a pro and earn wealth in various forms, buy your copy today.

इस पुस्तक में मैंने ध्यान के साथ अपने आकस्मिक साक्षात्कार को साझा किया है और बताया है कि कैसे मैं पांच वर्ष की आयु से ध्यान में अभ्यासरत हो गयी। इसके अलावा, यह पुस्तक ध्यान के नये अभ्यासकर्ताओं के लिए एक ध्यान मार्गदर्शिका है। इसमें ध्यान से जुड़े हर पहलू पर चर्चा की गई है। कई तकनीकों और राइज़ ध्यान के अलावा, प्रभावी ध्यान के नौ चरणों पर एक समर्पित अध्याय है, जो सभी के लिए उपयोगी होगा। बहुत से लोग ध्यान के दुष्प्रभावों से अनभिज्ञ हैं। इसकी भी जानकारी है।

मैंने ध्यान के एक दूसरे पक्ष को भी शामिल किया है और उसका विस्तार से वर्णन किया है। उस अवधारणा के बारे में अधिक जानें और जानें कि आप ध्यान के माध्यम से विभिन्न प्रकार की संपत्ति कैसे कमा सकते हैं।

यह पुस्तक आपके आध्यात्मिक स्तर को बढ़ाने के लिए कुछ चुनी हुई निर्देशित ध्यान तकनीकों के बारे में विस्तार से बताती है। यदि आप एक कुशल ध्यानी की तरह ध्यान करना चाहते हैं, तो आज ही अपनी प्रति खरीदें।


69. अविरत निहारिका                                                  Published in May 2023

INR: 299/- 

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-5913-006-4          Paperback: 978-93-5912-816-0

बार बार वही सपना आने के बाद निहारिका असमंजस में पड़ जाती है, क्योंकि वह जानती है कि यह सपना उसके जीवन की रूपरेखा को बदल सकता है। वास्तविकता और अयथार्थ के बीच प्रदोलन करते हुए, वह व्याकुल है । अपने सपने को साकार करने के लिए वह कुछ भी करने के लिए तैयार है, इसके लिए उसे कितनी भी कीमत क्यों न चुकानी पड़े ।

उसके जीवन ने उसे उसके निम्नतर स्तर पर पहुंचा दिया है। उसके पास अपने जीवन को फिर से बनाने का एकमात्र विकल्प बचा है, और वह है आगे बढ़ना।

क्या वह अपने जीवन को फिर से बना पाएगी? क्या वह कभी अपने बंधनों को तोड़ पाएगी? क्या वह स्वतंत्र रूप से उड़ पाएगी? क्या वह कभी घोर अंधेरों से बाहर आ पाएगी?

जानने के लिए पढ़ें अविरत निहारिका की कहानी।


68. जो मांगोगे वही मिलेगा     Published in April 2023

INR: 299/-

ISBN:   Digital: 978-93-5906-087-3          Paperback: 978-93-5895-805-8

This book discusses the science behind our thoughts and its repercussions on what we receive in life. The Metaphysical Universe is extremely mysterious. It gives its master everything in abundance. It echoes its master’s thoughts and prepares conducive circumstances to bring them to fruition. This book throws light on the enigmatic ways in which the Metaphysical Universe works and how a person’s thoughts influence what they receive in life.

यह पुस्तक हमारे विचारों के पीछे के विज्ञान और जीवन में हम जो प्राप्त करते हैं उस पर उनके प्रभाव के बारे में चर्चा करती है। मेटाफिजिकल यूनिवर्स (आध्यात्मिक ब्रह्मांड) अत्यंत रहस्यमय है। यह अपने स्वामी को सब कुछ बहुतायत में देता है। यह अपने स्वामी के विचारों को प्रतिध्वनित करता है और उन्हें फलित करने के लिए अनुकूल परिस्थितियां तैयार करता है। यह पुस्तक उन गूढ़ तरीकों पर प्रकाश डालती है जिसमें आध्यात्मिक ब्रह्मांड काम करता है और कैसे एक व्यक्ति के विचार उसके जीवन को प्रभावित करते हैं।


67. मिशन २०३० वाक इंडिया मूवमेंट–  ए स्टेप बाय स्टेप गाइड 

Published in April 2023

INR: 250/-

ISBN: Digital: 978-93-5811-195-8   Paperback: 978-93-5810-897-2

This is a guidebook that explains in detail about our new and innovative initiative called WALK INDIA MOVEMENT. It discusses what WALK INDIA MOVEMENT is all about, how you can become a part of it, and how by donating steps you can become a nation builder.

There are interesting ways to keep yourself happy and healthy, and how we can all come together to make our country a better place to live in.


66. मेनोपॉज एक नयी शुरुआत                         Published in March 2023

INR: 299/-

ISBN:    Digital: 978-93-5890-875-6      Paperback: 978-93-5813-629-6

The book contains information on menopause—what, how, when, & why; extracts from the words of forty women I interviewed; some self-assessment & improvement charts and exercises to enhance the condition of perimenopausal women’s lives; a touching note for the family of menopausal women and ways to manage menopausal symptoms. It also contains some one-minute beauty hacks.

This can be a perfect gift for you if you are a woman; if you are not, for your spouse, mother, sister, friend or any woman you know who is in her menopausal years. Gift this to her and encourage her to “Begin a new life from this point….”


65. प्रभावशाली वक्ता बनें                              Published in February 2023

INR: 299/-

ISBN: Digital: 9789358116472               Paperback: 9789358129045

प्रभावशाली वक्ता बनें is a guidebook that explains in detail many aspects of public speaking, including the fundamentals. Moreover, it provides tips on managing anxiety and overcoming initial stage fear. It also elaborates on how one can go about preparing a successful speech. It also covers many aspects that a book of this genre may not usually cover.

“प्रभावशाली वक्ता बनें” एक गाइडबुक है जो प्रभावशाली वक्ता बनने के तरीकों के बारे में विस्तार से बताती है। यह पब्लिक स्पीकिंग के डर और इसे कैसे दूर किया जाए, और अपने भाषण की तैयारी कैसे करें, इस पर चर्चा करती है। प्रभावशाली वक्ता बनने के लक्षण क्या हैं, इन्हें कैसे सीखें, और स्वतः को सकारात्मक सोच के घेरे में रखकर अपना भाषण सफलता के साथ कैसे दें, इस बारे में भी विस्तृत जानकारी दी गयी है।

अगर आप एक सफल वक्ता बनना चाहते हैं तो इस पुस्तक की अपनी कॉपी आज ही खरीदें!  हो सकता है, जिस पुस्तक व दिशानिर्देशों की आपको आवश्यकता थी वह इसी पुस्तक में हों! यह भी हो सकता है, यह पुस्तक कदाचित् आप ही के लिए लिखी गयी है।



Published in January 2023

INR: 299/-

ISBN:   Digital: 9789357861298                             Paperback: 9789357863988

This is a guidebook that explains in detail about our new and innovative initiative called WALK INDIA MOVEMENT. It discusses what WALK INDIA MOVEMENT is all about, how you can become a part of it, and how by donating steps you can become a nation builder.

There are interesting ways to keep yourself happy and healthy, and how we can all come together to make our country a better place to live in.





Published in December 2022

INR 299/-

ISBN:  Digital: 9789357802598    Paperback: 9789357799898

This is a one-of-its-kind book that discusses selected foot-tapping Bollywood numbers and how to use them to shoo away your worries. These songs provide a ray of hope in extremely challenging times. Please note, these are NOT prayer songs…



Published in November 2022

INR 299/-

ISBN: Digital: 9789357739993      Paperback: 9789357771740

Do you know the Hindu symbols you have been looking at since your childhood may have an entirely different meaning? And that using these symbols pragmatically can lead you to an extraordinary world? I am sure you do not!

This is a unique book in all respects as the symbols chosen here are very well known to most people, yet their utility is not known to many. The book explains seven symbols of Sanātan Dharma that can be used as tools for self-discovery and self-discipline. The information provided here is unprecedented.



Published in October 2022

INR: 299/-

ISBN: Digital 978-93-5768-345-6                        Paperback: 978-93-5768-072-1

Tell me, did you know that stress is a pandemic and it is killing us silently and slowly? Yes/No? Whatever your answer, this book is for you, because stress is affecting us all equally. Be it a child of seven or an elderly person of ninety, everybody is getting eaten by stress, slowly, steadily, undoubtedly.

This book elaborates on topics like stressors for different age groups, genders, events, and many other specific areas. It also discusses how to recognize your symptoms of stress and what to do to bring about transformational changes in your life. This book elucidates how simple spiritual practices can help you manage your stress levels effectively and enhance the quality of your life. There are some unique time-tested tips that you might not get elsewhere.


60. INNER REFLECTIONS 5.0 Toward A Resilient World    Published in September 2022

INR: 250

ISBN: Digital: 9789357179928                    Paperback: 9789357372442

INNER REFLECTIONS 5.0 is a unique book that contains selected essays written by participants in our International Essay Writing Competition (IEWC 2022) — INNER REFLECTIONS. The insights from the book clearly spell out the need to conduct more such reflective competitions and get people thinking on why value-education should be an integral part of every curriculum. Students have shared extremely thought-provoking points. I loved reading them all. I am sure you will enjoy learning about their thought process.


59. SHINE THROUGH YOUR DARKEST HOUR   Published in August 2022

INR: 299/- 

ISBN: Digital: 9789357010443                               Paperback: 9789357012867

This book serves as a guidebook for people who have (or have had) suicidal thoughts, suicidal tendencies, and/or may have attempted suicide. It discusses various aspects about the dreaded topic and takes the reader toward a new horizon. It narrates why some people give up on life, how suicidal ideation affects people, how to create a new enabling thought cycle, and what other things to do to lead a better life.

Dark times are part and parcel of our lives. However, one can shine even when there is darkness all over, when they think that they are left with no solution, and when they believe that it is the only way to end their concerns once and for all! I staunchly believe that there is at least one doable solution for every concern a person may have. This book is all about that hope.



INR: 299/-

ISBN: Digital: 9789356800342                                Paperback: 9789356802094

This book discusses the deepest secrets of the law of attraction. There are various myths and a lot of misinformation about this spiritual law. This book is an eye opener for gullible people who think they can achieve everything with the law of attraction, without understanding what it really entails.


57. ESCAPADES OF MY INNER CHILD– Published in June 2022

INR: 299/-

ISBN:  Digital: 9789356365605                             Paperback: 9789356593312

This book contains some playful stories from my childhood. I have also shared a few stories of the mischief I continue to perform to keep my inner child active and kicking. I am sure you will enjoy them all. Many of you may also relate to these stories.


INR: 299/-

ISBN: Digital: 9789356364202                            Paperback: 9789356594234







Spiritual boomerangs symbolize the energy we send out and receive in return from the Universe. Many lives are devastated because they get hit by negative spiritual boomerangs frequently.

This book answers the most significant questions related to life in general, and the whats, whys, hows and how-tos to keep yourself safe from these boomerangs and carve a life you deserve.



55. THE FLYING ELEPHANT– Published in April 2022.

INR: 399/-

ISBN:  Digital: 978-93-5627-399-3       Paperback: 978-93-5627-648-2

Can an elephant fly?

Niharika wakes up in utter confusion after a recurring dream that she knows holds the key to transform her life forever. Oscillating between reality and unreality, she hungers, wanting to realize her dream no matter what.

If she fails, the stakes are sky high. If she succeeds… even the sky is not the limit…

Will she ever be able to ditch her hitches, and fly freely? Come, join her in her winding odyssey, as she invites you into her life and memories, encouraging you to break your limits and fly high.

Unless you have experienced stark darkness, you do not cherish the light!




INR: 299/-

ISBN:  Digital: 9789356207066                             Paperback: 9789356208766

I always wanted to give something different to my daughters. A good upbringing, excellent schooling, material possessions and other such things are given by all able parents. However, I wanted to secure their future with metaphysical planning as well. Therefore, I conceptualized this book in the form of letters written to them, that will remain with them even after my transition to the higher realms of reality.

The book contains 60 letters written to them. These letters share time-tested wisdom I have learnt from my elders and accumulated on my own as I grew on my path of this incarnation. The book shares thoughts and anecdotes on topics ranging from why joy is in giving, why it is important to understand self-worth etc. to when to put your foot down.


53. DAILY AGNIHOTRA– YOUR SPIRITUAL ARMOUR, Published in February 2022

INR: 299/-

ISBN: Digital:  978-93-5607-889-5                 Paperback: 978-93-5620-301-3

This book introduces you to a simple and easy to perform ritual named Agnihotra. A simple Havan (Yadnya), Agnihotra is known to enhance the quality of its practitioners’ surroundings. It also improves the health of body chakras and the inner atmosphere. Agnihotra creates a spiritual safety sheath around the practitioner.

The author has also introduced a never before heard, never before experienced, novel way of performing daily Agnihotra that will help you stick to the ritual even when you are travelling, or are at a place where you cannot ignite the havan fire. This method is also helpful for those who are allergic to smoke.


52. METAPHYSICAL WAY OF LIVING, Published in January 2022.

INR: 299/-

ISBN: Digital 978-93-5607-004-2            Paperback: 978-93-5607-298-5

The book, “METAPHYSICAL WAY OF LIVING,” is a guide book that explains the need to inculcate metaphysical concepts into day-to-day living. It focuses on the deepest concerns of human life and how we can resolve them by adopting this special way of living.

Dr. Manisha Anwekar has included a few case studies from her Spiritual Counselling practice. These might help people relate to their own concerns. If understood and applied diligently, they will be able to help themselves resolve their issues successfully.



51. FlutterBee Tales: 6-9 Years       Published in December 2021

INR: 229/-

This book is the first in the series of FlutterBee Tales. It is set in a beautiful garden named Jolly Garden. Two cute little friends—Lee and Bee– narrate their experiences to young children.

It contains short moral stories for children to learn and practice life values in an interesting way. The book also aims to enhance the parent-child and sibling bond.

To know more about how Lee and Bee play, learn and lead their beautiful life in Jolly Garden, buy your copy today!


50. CAFÉ KARMA—We Serve What You Deserve Published in November, 2021

INR 399/- 

The novel is set in a mysterious kingdom– check out what happens to the inmates. Do they find a way to escape, or do they have to spend the rest of their lives there itself?



49. MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS  Published in October, 2021

INR– 299/-

This book is aimed at bringing awareness about the what, why and how of meditation practice. The author has elaborated on what exactly is meant by meditation, various ways of performing it, why one should make daily meditation a part of their life and more. There are many guided meditation techniques for beginners, and useful, easy-to-follow practical tips to experience the effects of meditation over a period of time.


48. INNER REFLECTIONS– Snippets From Across The Generations

Published in September 2021

INR 250/-

ISBN 978-93-5526-692-7 (EBook)  978-93-5526-923-2 (Paperback)

INNER REFLECTIONS 4.0 is a unique book. It contains selected essays written by participants in our INNER REFLECTIONS International Essay Writing Competition (IEWC 2021). The book clearly spells out the need to conduct more such reflective competitions and provide practical value-based education to our children, who are tomorrow’s torch-bearers. This year, we have the essays of the adult generation as well. The book also serves as a guide for those who wish to participate in our forthcoming INNER REFLECTIONS competition.


47. AKASHIC RECORD– The Karmic account Of Your Soul. Published in August, 2021

INR: 299/-

Akashic Records are journals of karmic accounts of the entire journey of the soul. They contain entries of all the karma performed by the soul consciously or unconsciously in a physical as well as spiritual form. Every soul goes through the process of unending cycles of birth-death-rebirth until all karmic accounts are settled. A soul with a zero karmic debt is considered to occupy the highest realms of consciousness. However, this is a pipe dream for most souls.



INR: 299/-

Goswami Tulsidas is known as one of the most ardent devotees of Lord Rām. He has written several scriptures revered in many Hindu families, and couplets that have a lasting effect on our psyche. I, too, was quite influenced by his literary work. Though all his work is relevant even today, I wanted to elaborate on a few couplets that are extremely close to my heart.

The book discusses twenty-one chosen couplets with their meaning and relevance in modern times. These couplets will definitely touch your heart and soul, and make you ponder over small yet significant things we often overlook in life. These couplets have the potential to revamp your life.

If introspected upon, this book will take your understanding to an altogether different level.


45. IS YOUR HEALTHY FOOD KILLING YOU?– Published in June 2021

INR: 299/-

This book is an eye-opener that sheds light on how so-called healthy food creates ripples in your otherwise healthy body and mind and harms you in unimaginable ways. If your food is also behaving erratically with you, or you are not getting the desired results, this book may come to your rescue.



INR– 299/-

This is not just another book of shlokas and mantras. It contains nostalgic moments from my childhood that glued me to this simple, daily and profound activity. It is also an extension of my Sanskaar classes for children. I have been giving these classes offline as well as online for more than two decades now. To reach out to more people, and to spread more awareness about their magical power, I contemplated writing this book.

The book contains simple shlokas and mantras. These are written in Devanagari as well as English to make them more comprehensible for all. Every shloka and mantra has been described with its meaning. The book also elaborates on how to set up a doable spiritual routine even when our schedules are going haywire. It also discusses the concept of enhancing the family bond through recitation and chanting them together. This simple activity has been the backbone of my life. I have been able to deal with the cyclic ups and downs because of the strength I derived from them.



INR 299/-

This book is about bringing forth a Thought Revolution!

We have all received different conditioning, followed different faiths and have been part of different cultures. What may be considered right in one culture, may not be the same in another. We have experienced our highs and lows with what was instilled in us, yet continued with imparting the same customs and traditions to the next generation. I strongly feel the need to amend some overhyped aspects of life and normalize others. We need to come out of mental confinement to breathe in some fresh air.

This book explores the revolutionary concept of looking into the old, keeping enabling customs alive, and writing off disabling ones in every sphere of life. To name a few areas chosen for the same: Education, Relationships, Thought Process, Communication, Beliefs and Conditioning.


42. ESSENCE OF LIFE– Published in March, 2021

INR: 249/-

This is a special book you would love to adorn your coffee table with. This book takes you through an ocean of simple yet profound instructions that, if followed, will release metaphysical knots that keep you from leading a beautiful life. The book is divided into four distinct sections elaborating on specific instructions to improve your physical, mental, and spiritual ways of living. The last section discusses how one should lead their life in essence. These guidelines will inspire you to make necessary modifications in your life and provide more meaning to it.


In a nutshell, this book is your prescription to lead a phenomenal life.



INR: 299/-

This book serves as a guide to explore and enhance the monumental world of mind chatter or self-talk. Mind chatter is an inherent part of our lives. We start talking to ourselves right from the moment we are up in the morning, until we hit the sack at night. Mind chatter is known to shape our lives. Every sentence of self-talk can be equalled to a building block or a structural unit of an individual’s life. The quality of these blocks decides the quality of your life.

This book discusses what mind chatter is, where it originates from, how it affects our lives, how you can enhance the condition of your life with simple, easy to perform steps to rewire your mind’s circuit, and how you can rebuild or refurbish your life with positive self-talk.


40. SPIRITUAL IDIOMS– What The Sayings Are Really Saying– Published in January 2021

INR: 299/-

This book aims at enlightening people about commonly used spiritual idioms; what people conceive them as versus what these actually mean. Learning their deep-seated meanings will help the reader in enhancing their spiritual knowledge

This book seems like an easy read, but it has a lot to offer on the spiritual front. The reader is encouraged to look inside their psyche, introspect keenly, and relate their experiences with the idioms at every step. Those who wish to evolve will be abundantly benefited by this book.



39. METAPHYSICAL COOKING– The Art & Science of SAATVIK FOOD– Published in December, 2020

INR: 299/-

Metaphysical Cooking is a spiritual method to mindfully cook, serve, and consume food. It also involves experimenting with food and its effects on our body, mind and soul. The food we consume has tremendous effects on our physical, mental and spiritual health.

The book introduces the concept of metaphysical cooking and how you can bring about the desired outcome in your life’s condition with it. It is a simple way of inculcating good food habits. It also encourages you to experiment with your style of preparing, serving and consuming food. You are encouraged to perform real metaphysical experiments with your food, and maintain a metaphysical journal that can be used for your future reference. You will definitely witness a vast difference in your very being as you move toward adopting and applying this way of cooking.


38. MUDRAS– Magic On Your Fingertips– Published in November 2020

INR: 299/-

Mudras are used in Hindu rituals, yogic and meditation practices, and even in Indian classical dance forms. However, this book is based on hand gestures that bring stability in the Pancha Mahabhoota and Pancha Prana. It is said that our health lies in our hands. Mudras second this noble statement. They contain all the goodness of the Universe ready to shower upon their practitioners. They are known to bring equilibrium in all spheres of life.

This book discusses easy to learn mudras that can be practiced by all. In addition to mudras for general wellness, it also elaborates on those that bring about spiritual transformation.


37. THE 5 Hs– Your Guide to Holistic Living– Published in October, 2020

INR: 299

The book discusses five paramount words starting with H that directly impact our lives. These words are cardinal attributes that take you through a systematic step-by-step journey toward enlightenment. The book deciphers how the well-being of the five Hs is interconnected, and how disharmony in even one of them can cause the trajectory of one’s life’s events to go astray.


36. INNER REFLECTIONS 3.0  Instilling Values Through Essay Writing– Published in September, 2020

INR 250

INNER REFLECTIONS 3.0—Instilling Values Through Essay Writing is a unique book. It contains selected essays written by students for our INNER REFLECTIONS International Essay Writing Competition (IEWC). The book clearly spells the need to conduct more such competitions and provide practical value-based education to our children, who are tomorrow’s torch-bearers. This book also serves as a guide for those who wish to participate in our forthcoming INNER REFLECTIONS competition.



INR 299/-

Psychic powers, also known as psychic abilities, are our innate powers to look and feel beyond the visible Universe. These are our abilities to gain knowledge of what lies between the folds of the physical and metaphysical realms. The word psychic ability is often used interchangeably with intuition, gut feeling, or a hunch.

We all have some amount of psychic abilities within us. Some people have heightened abilities, while others may have to develop them. It is important to recognize that we have these powers within. These powers can be used for self-development, self-healing and also to help others lead a better life. One most important thing to understand is that these abilities are our spiritual gifts that should be utilised for the good of humanity. Taking undue advantage and using them to cause harm to others may ruin the practitioner’s life.


34. BREATHE YOUR WAY TO WELLBEING– Published in July, 2020

INR: 299/-

Breath is the life force or Prana that provides energy to the physical as well as metaphysical bodies to perform their functions seamlessly. It is believed that with the correct way of breathing, we can achieve a lot in life. The breathing techniques suggested in this book have helped many people to transform their lives through the management of stress, anxiety, PTSD, anger and even facilitating the process of letting go of traumatic past events, emotions and debilitating patterns to welcome a new and meaningful life.


33. THE CRY Of MOTHER EARTH– Published in June, 2020

INR: 299/-

This book is a result of a series of dialogues exchanged between the author and Mother Earth. Yes, the author would enter her deep meditative state with one question in mind for Mother Earth, and Mother Earth would reply. According to her, she has had many mystical experiences during the writing of this book. She has felt Mother Earth’s loving fingers ruffling through her hair and her hand moving on her spine, comforting her during these conversations. She has felt as if she is lying in her lap and Mother Earth is talking to her, exactly like a biological mother would.


32. The UNIVERSE IS A GENEROUS GIVER– Published in May, 2020

INR: 299/-

The Metaphysical Universe is extremely mysterious. It gives its master everything in abundance. It echoes its master’s thoughts and prepares conducive circumstances to bring them to fruition. This book throws light on the enigmatic ways in which the Metaphysical Universe works and how a person’s thoughts influence what they get in life.


31. SUFFER NO MORE DURING COVID-19 TIMES– Published in April 2020

INR 299

The word SUFFER used in the title of this book is an acronym that stands for Stress, Uncertainty, Fear, Fights, Emotional breakdown and Rage that people around the world are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic. This book predominantly elaborates on the effects of a pandemic on the human psyche and how to maintain sanity during such challenging times.



INR 299/-

The author has personally mentored over eight thousand children and adults with diagnosed as well as undiagnosed cases of specific learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities are still taboo.  This book throws light on the dreaded umbrella term–learning disabilities and how such people can achieve their dreams and become successful in life. Apart from covering general information on this topic, this book also covers mentoring techniques for children and adults with specific learning disabilities. There are real-life cases of children who are doing excellently in their lives even after they have the TAG of being LD (learning disabled)!


29. POP CULTURE– An Unhealthy Trend– Published in February 2020

INR 299/-

Popping pills for every small thing has become a fad. People have often been seen consuming medicines without a prescription. This is a unique book that elaborates on how the unhealthy trend of popping pills can prove fatal to someone.This book also elaborates on how spirituality is helpful in keeping in good health and avoiding popping pills indiscriminately.


28. 101 Ways To Harness Your BEDREST– Published in January 2020

INR 299/–

The book is a guideline for those who are on bed rest. It contains one hundred and one ways to keep themselves creatively productive and upbeat during this testing period of their life. There are all the innovative things I did while I was on it. There are also instructions for the caretakers of the ailing ones.



27. PRANA– THE BREATH OF LIFE– Published in December 2019

INR 299/-

The book discusses in detail the five main types and five sub-types of Prana–the metaphysical energy system in a human body which are responsible for providing energy to every cell of our body. Any imbalance in Prana can cause serious physical as well as metaphysical issues in an individual’s life.


26. YOU BECOME WHAT YOU FEAST ON– Published in November, 2019

INR 299/-

This book is based on the authoress’s independent research that she conducted for more than three decades by reading and understanding the human psyche. This book is based on the theory of Spiritual DNA and its effects on us humans. The word Feast does not only mean what one eats, but also includes everything that one focuses on. She has shared ample examples from the lives of people who she meets daily and also from the lives of her friends and relatives, who became what they are today by feasting on certain things.

25: NAV VIDHA BHAKTI– Nine Ways of Worshipping

Published in October, 2019

Price: INR 299/-

Nav Vidha Bhakti literally translates to nine ways of worshipping. This book discusses what these nine ways of worshipping are, why one should try them all before zeroing down on one, how one should engage themselves in Bhakti, and what the benefits derived from Bhakti are. This book presents a detailed picture of these ways of Bhakti. Readers are encouraged to give all of them a sincere shot and choose one or a combination of a few ways of worshipping for themselves.


24. INNER REFLECTIONS 2.0– Echoes of The Young Minds– Published in September, 2019

Rs. 250/-

INNER REFLECTIONS 2.0– Echoes of The Young Minds is a unique book. It contains selected essays written by students between ten and eighteen for our INNER REFLECTIONS 2.0– International Essay Writing Competition (IEWC 2019). The book clearly spells the need to conduct more such competitions and provide practical value-based education to our children, who are tomorrow’s torch-bearers.



23. The Big Fat Question of Fat Reduction And Its Answer– Published in August, 2019

Rs. 299/-

Today, weight and fat loss concerns are the topmost concerns on anyone’s mind. Everybody wants to be in shape; everyone wants to look thin. Many people fall prey to seemingly magical promotional strategies for weight loss. These are often glorified by so-called celebrated doctors advertising the products and their success stories. Actors and models also share paid testimonials about their weight issues and how they found a certain product helpful in shedding weight quickly and successfully.

The book discusses the ingredients of a healthy fat loss program and how a conscious diet, an appropriate amount of exercise and spiritual practices can help to promote and conserve fat loss.


22. CHATURMAS– Four Months of Spiritual Transformation (Published in July, 2019)

Rs. 299/-

Chaturmas literally translates to four months. This book is a link between the religious and spiritual perspectives of Chaturmas. It primarily aims at encouraging people to enhance their spiritual quotient by inculcating a habit of making spirituality a part of their active life, thus bringing about a transformational change in their lives.


21. Are We Really Born Tabula Rasa? (Published in June, 2019)

Rs. 299/-


In this book, the author has explored the concept of Tabula rasa– which means a clean slate– in depth. She has expounded the concept with the help of her practice of spirituality over a period of almost four decades. The book covers topics like the journey of the soul, how imprints are formed and stored in the deepest corners of the soul, how past experiences are carried forward in the following incarnations, and how they affect us on the physical as well as metaphysical fronts.


20. BLOGBUSTER OF THE YEAR, Published in June, 2019

INR: 299/-

This book is a compilation of select fifty-two blog articles written by a teenaged author, Anubhuti, over a period of fifty-two weeks straight. This book is loaded with a variety of topics ranging from book reviews; character analysis of main characters from classics, and plays, and mythological characters to historical figures. Anubhuti loves to write about the minutest details on varied topics based on mythology, international history and English literature. She has also made informative blog entries about various topics she studied during her AS and A levels (CIE) with great detail. Many students of international curriculum may also refer to these articles for better insight into the subject matter.

Dr. Manisha has co-authored this book with her daughter Anubhuti. She has focused on bringing her journey of writing these blog posts even after going through various challenges during these fifty-two weeks. This book brings you the joy of reading the wit, wisdom and incredible ability of analysis of a young writer. This book is indeed a delight for fans of English classics, novels, poems, and history and mythology buffs.



Rs. 299/-

This book is inspired from her travel to the country of the thunderbolt, Bhutan, with her family. Her journey from India to Bhutan and back has taught her a lot. She equates this special journey of hers as the journey of her life. This book contains her first-hand experience about the country, the people, their culture & tradition, and many other enchanting things which she thinks are distinctive to Bhutan.


18. Never Chase Your Dreams (Published in April, 2019)

Rs. 299/-

If the title of the book has perplexed you, and/or you have at least one or more unfulfilled dream/s, this book is definitely authored for you. This book is based on a metaphysical concept that negates the need of chasing after your dreams. The book contains many invaluable worksheets; solving these will definitely help you in bringing your dreams to fruition. If you are really serious about making your dreams come true, do not chase them… do this instead!!! To know more about this innovative concept, buy your copy today!


17. One Bedtime Ritual For a Harmonious Life (published in March, 2019)

Rs. 299/-

Today’s life is full of stress and competition. This has affected the human race in an adverse way. The book, “One Bedtime Ritual For A Harmonious Life” discusses the need of performing this simple, non-religious, spiritual bedtime ritual to make your life more peaceful and harmonious.

Your journey through the pages of this book introduces you to the various types of energies, how they accumulate in us, their effects on us, and how to remove them. The book contains comprehensible instructions to make one’s physical body, mind and soul nearly unblemished.

Read this book to chuck out the bondage of the material world, sleep calmly and wake up with a clean slate each subsequent morning.


16. From SQUARE to CIRCLE (Published in February, 2019)

Rs. 299/-

This book is primarily based on the Johari Window concept. However, my model has a new spin, making it lean more towards the discovery of the metaphysical aspects of human nature and traits.

This book is an enchiridion for those who wish to take their life to a new horizon. Using four small squares within a big one, it will take you through an enriching journey of discovering your innerself, hidden potential and inherent talents. The book casts light on the known and unknown selves of an individual’s personality and contains worksheets to roam into your untrodden inner zones. Explore the pages of this book to take your life to completeness—that is a full circle.


15. ORATION ELATION (Published in January, 2019)

Rs. 299/-

The book discusses many aspects of public speaking, including fundamentals and tips on managing anxiety and overcoming the initial stage fear. It also elaborates on the ways of preparing a successful speech. It covers many aspects that a book of this genre may not cover.



14. The NITTY GRITTIE of An Effective Presentation ( Published in December, 2018)

Rs. 299/-

This book discusses how to prepare and make very effective presentations. The do’s and don’ts are elaborated in a lucid manner. The book also has tips on how to break the ice, how to dress-up and mesmerise your audience in an impactful, powerful manner.


13. 7 Mantras That Will Transform Your Life (Published in November, 2018) 

Rs. 299/-

The book discusses seven unique formulae so as to bring about a sea-change in your personality and life. If practised as advised, you will definitely witness the results in the due course of time. The book also emphasises on many topics of importance that are needed to create a whole new life as well as how to preserve the newly acquired changes.


12. ZEN– Achieving Stillness in Motion (Published in October 2018)

Price: Rs. 299/-


This book is a practical guide to bringing Zen in your everyday life. The author staunchly believes that in order to give more meaning to your life, one should practice spirituality diligently.

A few areas the book emphasises on are about bringing Zen in your relationships, career, studies, while doing household chores and for bringing overall peace and abundance in life. The book also contains a few tips on how to decorate your home and office, keeping Zen in mind to attract more abundance in everything you do.


11. INNER REFLECTIONS… The Thoughts of the Generation That will Carve the Future (Published in September 2018)

Price: Rs. 250/-


INNER REFLECTIONS is a unique book. It contains selected essays written by students between ten and eighteen. The book clearly spells the NEED to conduct such competitions and provide practical value-based education to our children who are tomorrow’s torch-bearers.


10. JHATPAT SNACKS… Simplified Cooking for Gen Z (Published in August 2018)

Price: Rs. 250/-


This book contains 64 easy to make vegetarian recipes. This book is a helping hand on how to prepare snacks quicker and without much fuss. Apart from the easy Indian vegetarian recipes, this book also contains a complete information on how to save time, how to avoid accidents while cooking, knowing the utensils used in the kitchen, simplifying kitchen jargon etc.


9. FAITH BINDS… ABSOLUTE FAITH BLINDS (Published in July 2018)

Price: 299/-


The book is about how faith binds humans across the globe. However, when we become blinded by faith, it has all the potential to ruin our lives.


8. STUDY SMART… NOT HARD– Your Success Partner in Board Exams (Published in June 2018)

Price: Rs. 249/-


The book is about achieving success in board exams by studying Smart and not Hard. Learn the techniques and various other tricks to come out a winner. There is also a note for parents and teachers. The book is an Enchiridion for all those who are appearing for board exams this year or will appear in the coming years. Possess a copy to scale the difficult mountain of studies and examinations.


7. SCULPTING DESIGNER BABIES– The Metaphysical Way (Published in May 2018)

Price: 299/-



6. PAUSE– To Begin Afresh (Published in April 2018)

Price: Rs. 299/-


Menopause brings many changes in a woman’s life. Many women consider this phase as the end of everything in their life. But here, the author is giving it a new perspective. According to her, menopause is a new beginning; you can begin your life afresh.


5. PEARLS of WISDOM (Published in March, 2018)

Price Rs. 249/-

This book is a gem every parent should gift to their children. I did just that!!!  The book contains 1111 (One thousand One hundred and Eleven) instructions on how to live a meaningful life.


4. How I Reinvented Myself With A Gluten Free and Low FODMAP Diet (Published in February 2018)

Price: Rs. 399

This book is about the challenges the author went through and her journey of reinventing herself after she was diagnosed with many food allergies, Gluten sensitivity and intolerance to certain foods. The book also contains sixty four Indian vegetarian recipes.


3. ANTAHKARAN Inner Guidance Cards

Price: Rs. 799/-

Antahkaran means Pure Consciousness in Sanskrit. The concept of ANTAHKARAN Inner Guidance Cards was conceived as a result of the insight received from the Higher Self of the Author. We are all driven by the Universal Energy. The Author staunchly believes that the chances of straying from one’s Life Path are greatly reduced if one follows the guidance from Antahkaran. Come, Experience it yourself.